Already set up and preconfigured in the LiveDOK-Cloud: Our Startup Package includes everything you need to get off to a fast and successful start. Simply assign user roles and enter a new dimension of digital documentation.
+1 LiveDOK Management License Windows
The solution for document managers and planners. The complete range of functions for the digital documentation of technical plants – document import, viewing and sorting, updating and changing.
+1 LiveDOK LiveDOK Network License Windows
The ideal tool for maintenance teams. With user-friendly access to plans and other documentation. Comfortable redlining, offline mode, automated storage and communication.
+ 1 LiveDOK.web Server
The LiveDOK.web Startup Package in the form of “Software as a service”. Provided on a high-performance Rösberg Server – ready for immediate use.
+ LiveDOK.web Client
2 Client Access Redlining licenses. Correct your documents, anywhere the net is.
10 Client Access View licenses. Unrestricted viewing, anywhere the net is.
700,00 €/month
includes 10 users (can be cancelled on a monthly basis)
Yannick Tidas